This is a different kind of blog award in the respect that it recognizes inspiring blogs with less than 200 followers. This way some very worthy, but often over looked blogs benefit from some extra exposure...which is something every blogger can use!
Liebster is the German word for "beloved" or "favorite". So it is now my turn to give this award to 5 of my favorite blogs who have less than 200 followers. So be sure to check out the blogs listed below and congratulate them by leaving them some blog love in the form of a comment and becoming a Follower if you find them to be as inspiring as I do!
Haley at http://inkyscrapper.blogspot.com/
Karen at http://kdaycreations.blogspot.com/
Jen at http://www.jenrubio.blogspot.com/
These ladies are so willing to share their ideas and talent. I really appreciate that so much!
Kim, thanks so much for the award - that's very sweet of you :o) Congrats to you, too!